National Help Links

DIGG aims to provide people who have a long-term disability with the information they need to have control of their lives and to live life to the full. Funded by Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board, DIGG provides an information and support facility for patients, users and carers – particularly those with neurological and neuromuscular conditions, including acquired brain injury.

Hearing Aids – Offers hearing aids for people with hearing disabilities. As well as aids, the site offers a free online hearing test and useful information by phone, chat and online. Online hearing test

Momentum works in partnership throughout Scotland to enable and empower disabled and excluded people to identify and achieve their goals. We support people to remain active citizens within their own communities, through the provision of mainstream employment and personal support services.

Momentum is one of Scotland’s leading not-for-profit organisations. The Momentum group has more than 50 years of experience assisting disabled and excluded people throughout the country to achieve their potential and realise their goals. Formerly known as Rehab Scotland, we became Momentum in March 2003.

We now operate a range of programmes, which assist more than 2,000 people every year. Our programmes put people at the heart of what we do and benefit a wide range of service users in the following areas:
• Brain Injury
• Mental Health
• Employment and Training
• Job Retention
• Pan-Disability
• Care and Supported Living
• Community Rehabilitation

Momentum Skills
Momentum Skills, the social renewal arm of Momentum Scotland, is one of Scotland’s leading providers of community rehabilitation, training and employability services, empowering disabled and excluded people to gain the skills they need to live independently and to gain access to employment.

The Adapt & Assist Programmme
Adapt & Assist has been set up to provide a community volunteering network supporting better opportunities for people with spinal cord injuries and others, who have difficulty in accessing information and communication technology (ICT).

Hypnotherapy Directory lists full profiles of hypnotherapists, detailing the different types of hypnotherapy offered, the fees they charge and their background information. Individuals searching for a hypnotherapist may not know much about how or why it works, or what problems hypnotherapy can help with. Therefore the more information available on hypnotherapist’s profiles, the more individuals seeking help will understand about the treatment, and the more likely they’ll be to try hypnotherapy.

Stairlift Advisor is an independent website site aimed at helping you make an informed decision when considering purchasing a stair lift. With many years experience in the stair lift industry, we know how important it is to receive accurate, easy to understand and impartial advice.

Disability Equality and Diversity Training – Equality Link Consultancy is a leading edge company specialising in disability equality and diversity training in the work place. We provide bespoke training, consultancy and auxiliary services to ensure that your service meets its legislative requirements and deliver service excellence at all levels.

Uhad2bthere Disability Information Website everything you need, all in one place!

Through this site I hope to bring together a searchable database of Charities, Organisations, Companies and Service Providers from all around the UK, to help disabled people, their families and health care providers, find just the right information and make contact with the people who can help them the most whatever their needs or aspirations.
Along with some useful, yet easy to use guides on some of the bread and butter issues surrounding disability – including stuff like, How to choose a wheelchair, Finding a holiday, What benefits are available?, how & where do I get a blue badge? And a Can You Help page where users and volunteers can offer each other support and advice.

disabledsouthwest – Gloucestershire- Wiltshire-Somerset-Dorset-Devon-Cornwall
The aim of this ‘webzine’ is to gather and share information in an interesting and entertaining way and to act as a platform for local and regional groups to promote their events, initiatives and projects to the disabled community in the South West

VIP Diaries is run as a social enterprise by South Lakes Society for the Blind. All products are designed by visually impaired people for visually impaired people,profits are donated to this charity to help support visually impaired people.